Wednesday, April 19, 2017

CFLRS Notes (4): Farnham Leadership Skills and Ability Test

Our platoon was driven to Farnham, a nearby village and training center for an obstacle challenge or something like that. I don't really remember the term they use for that but what the recruits do is they are divided to groups of 5 or 6 with a leader and they have a limited time to pass an obstacle. This should be led by the team leader. They then evaluate his communication, leadership and other skills of him or her. This is a nice challenge that I had not been exposed to previously. 
Surprisingly mine was the toughest: A detonated bridge which only had a few pillars of it left! We had to use pieces of wood, cut in different length and make small bridges between pillars to get ourselves to the other side of the river. Parts of the said pillars are painted red and cannot be touched. I only got 3 out of 5 on that while it could be much better but as I said, and it's according to everyone, the Blown-up Bridge is the most difficult one. Anyways we had some marching after everyone did the challenge at least once and then we ate in a local hall. The point in this challenge, rather than the skills I mentioned above, is also physical fitness and attention to detail. One of my platoon members stepped on a red area as soon as he was dedicated to his challenge which means he blew himself up in a minefield! There is a few minutes of penalty for that and he can continue afterwards. Also people might lose their balance while walking or climbing and fall. That eliminates them from the challenge since there's either a minefield or deep water underneath! 
(Photo: It's almost impossible and also against the rules to take photos from the garrison and training, as far as I know. I'm not going to risk a career with the CAF by taking a few silly photos! For that reason to depict Farnham I use this photo which is provided by the company which designed and perhaps build the buildings of Farnham. This is where we had our lunch after the challenge. A very modern and nice place compare to Mega, the main garrison's building)

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